Can You Resolve a Contract Dispute Out of Court?

Not only can you resolve a contract dispute out of court, but this is also what you should do when you have a disagreement with the counterparty. Contract litigation can be expensive and distracting, and it should only happen as a last resort when you cannot otherwise resolve a disagreement.

When you have a contract dispute, you should make all efforts to engage the other party and discuss each of your respective positions. You should hire an attorney who can communicate with the other party either through a letter or a phone call. Some disagreements can be resolved with a conversation or two, while others may take more effort. However, it is entirely worth it to explore every Avenue towards settling a dispute without having to go to court.

There Is nothing to say that you must go to trial. You may be able to execute a modification to the contract or simply have a written agreement that resolves the dispute. Even if you do not get everything that you want, you avoid having to spend money on a court case that is unnecessary.

The first thing that you should do when you realize that you have a contract dispute is contact an experienced attorney. They will review both the language of the contract and the facts of the situation to advise you of your legal options. At some point, you should sit down and try to speak with the other side. If that does not yield an agreement, you should consider mediation, or even arbitration, to resolve the dispute.

Contact an Atlanta Contract Litigation Attorney Today

Battleson Law LLC helps clients who find themselves in the middle of a contract dispute and provides common-sense representation. To learn more, you can contact a Atlanta contract litigation attorney or send us a message online.

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