Did Your Employer Terminate You for Discriminatory Reasons?

Employers are not allowed to fire you for discriminatory reasons. Federal law prohibits any type of discrimination against these protected classes based on:

  • Race
  • National origin
  • Gender
  • Age
  • Disability
  • Religion

Employers could be liable for monetary penalties in a discrimination lawsuit. In addition, the court could require that you are reinstated to your job. However, you must first begin the legal process. This is why you should see an attorney immediately after you have been fired. The time in which you have to file a lawsuit is limited, so acting quickly is essential.

Possible Signs of Discrimination

Of course, an employer will never admit that they have fired you for discriminatory reasons because it opens them up to legal liability. In other words, companies are generally too smart to leave a direct trail behind them. Your attorney will need to uncover circumstantial and other evidence that shows discrimination. This would come out in the course of a trial. This could include:

  • Different treatment from someone similarly situated who was not in your protected class
  • Very unusual or shocking treatment
  • The employer’s discriminatory history
  • Other rude or unprofessional behavior that referenced, in part, your protected class
  • Employment statistics at your companies of the same members of your protected class

The first part of the process is filing a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. They will decide whether to file a lawsuit on your behalf. Even if they will not file a lawsuit, you have the right to proceed on your own. Sometimes, that is the best result in your case. You will not be able to take your gut feeling of discrimination further without trying.

Contact an Atlanta Employment Discrimination Lawyer

If you believe that you have been a victim of discrimination, contact an employment discrimination attorney at Battleson Law online or call us at 470.398.0720.

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